Fitness Studio Templates

Your team’s ability to manage operations and growth is key to success in your fitness business. Wow your team by using one of these templates to analyze data from your club.

Everything from membership analysis, to your top 10 lead sources by conversion, to who’s most likely to churn. Malartu will give you a leg up in your team’s analytic capabilities… no code required.

⏱️ Build dashboards in seconds from 25+ data connections

⚙️ Customize boards to fit your specific needs

✌️Collaborate and share with your team


Explore Fitness Club Templates

Start with a board from ClubReady or QuickBooks and customize to fit the needs of your business.

Building a template of your own?

Create your own template and have it listed here for new businesses to find. Get notified when a business uses your template and introduce yourself as the advisor behind the board. What’s more? Malartu partners are eligible for advertising grants to promote new templates.